
Kuzanbo Club LLC (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") has established the following policy for handling personal information necessary for business operations to ensure customer confidence and trust. Based on this policy, we have established various regulations to protect personal information and strive to manage personal data appropriately.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

The Company complies with the Personal Information Protection Law, other applicable laws, and any related norms regarding personal information in our possession.

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The Company will notify or publicly announce the purpose of using personal information to customers and will use the information only within the scope necessary to achieve that purpose. We will not use personal information for purposes other than those specified without the customer's consent.

Acquisition of Personal Information

When collecting personal information (including information collected via the internet), the Company will obtain it through appropriate methods.

Non-Disclosure to Third Parties

The Company will not provide or disclose personal information to third parties except in the following cases:
With prior consent from the customer
When required by law
When necessary to protect the life, body, property, rights, or other interests of the Company, customers, or third parties
Other cases where the provision of personal information without customer consent is permitted under the Personal Information Protection Law

Disclosure and Correction of Information to Customers

Regarding personal information held by the Company, if a customer wishes to request disclosure, we will respond after verifying the identity of the individual in accordance with our prescribed procedures. If a customer reports that the personal information held by the Company is incorrect, unless special legal procedures are specified, we will promptly conduct the necessary investigation and correct the information.

Security Measures for Personal Information

The Company manages customers' personal information appropriately and strictly, and takes preventive and safety measures to avoid unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage of personal data. If we outsource operations that involve handling personal information, we will supervise the contractor to ensure appropriate management of the personal information, and we will require this through contracts and other agreements.

Changes to This Policy

The Company may revise this policy without prior notice to customers for continuous improvement. Any revisions will be published on this page with the latest version.

Contact Information

For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information by the Company, please contact us at the following:

Contact Information

Name: Kuzanbo Club LLC - Personal Information Management Office
Phone: +81-279-82-5242

Effective Date: February 1, 2020